Clark - Gray

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Clark, Timothy Paul

Device, Kathleen Ann

Flora, Darlene

Clem, Paula Jill *

Device, Kimberly Ann

Florence, Esther Ann

Clemons, Linda

Dicken, Kimbell Jane

Fornash, Barbara Ann

Clift, Deborah Kay *

Dickerson, Sally Louise *

Foulks, Tammy Jo

Clifton, Linda Elaine

Dierig, John Michael

Frommeyer, Timothy Joseph

Collins, Billie Sue

Donaldson, William E.

Fry, Jeffrey Earl

Connelly, Thomas A.

Donohoe, Sharon Colleen

Fryman, Carolina LaVern *

Cook, Cindy J.

Dougherty, Marilyn Rose

Fryman, Timothy Joseph

Corbin, Leeland Mike

Duenas, Patricia Maria *

Fuller, Cynthia Rae

Crail, Michael Lee

Dunaway, Shelby C. *

Fuller, Micheal Andrew

Creekmore, Randall Bruce *

Edgley, Andrew Scott

Gangloff, Janet *

Cropenbaker, Richard Paul

Eglian, Harry P. W.

Geiger, Betty Jean

Cropper, Dana Lee

Emmelhainz, Mark deceased 09/27/2022

Gemmer, Diane E.

Cummins, Albert deceased

Enzweiler, Barbara Ann *

Gies, Donna C. *

Cummins, Penny *

Enzweiler, David J.

Gindele, Kathy G.

Curry, Glenn

Enzweiler, Gary L.

Goetz, Richard C.

Daniel, Linda Sue *

Enzweiler, Linda R. *

Goins, Robert *

Daniels, Benita Louise *

Fardo, Harold Richard

Good, Julie

Darlington, Debbie *

Fasse, Juanita M.

Goshorn, Debra Lynn

Davis, Cathy Sue *

Fausz, Cynthia Lee *

Goshorn, Dorene

Dawson, Bonnie Kay

Field, David

Gosney, Anita Marie

Dedman, Paul

Fischer, Cynthia Lee

Gray, Cynthia

Dempsey, Charles

Flinker, Steve