Campbell County High School
2005 Reunion

Click to go to CCHS home pageClick here to view classmates Karen Adams through Steve ChowningClick here to view classmates Tim Clark through Cindy GrayClick here to view classmates Linda Gray through Gordon LeahyClick here to view classmates Raye Jean Leap through Joe PitzerClick here to view classmates Jim Porter through Greg SteeleClick here to view classmates Robert Steele through Candy ZintReunion News
Rick Brun, Ted Weiner. Buddy Spinks, Johnny Caruso, Rick Cropenbaker, Ron Marsh, Rick Carr, Dennis Rogers & Joe Kinney Barb Bowcock, Julia Ison, Charlie Trice, Steve Hoffman & Debbie Hales CCHS 2005 Reunion Barb Bowcock and Debbie Hales Bernie Beane and Micki Bridewell
Bob Steele, Jim Porter and wives Suzanee Porter and Heather Steele Brenda Sebastian Nelson and Brenda Stokley Brenda and Marcie Stokley Bob, Dave Beane and Karen Jones Debbie Wooton and Irmgard Wiegand
Greg Menetrey, Julia Ison and Brenda Hemphill Lourdes Ribera and Dave Reed Maria Soto and Ron Marsh Melinda Lang, Brenda Sebastian Nelson and Patti Lehew Steve Rivera, Maria Soto and Lynn VanBenschoten
?, Debbie Montgomery and Rick Montgomery CCHS 2005 Reunion winding down ? and Dave Reed Buddy Spinks, Barb Bowcock, Dave Reed and Micki Bridewell Dave Reed and Micki Bridewell
Rick Carr and Dave Reed Rick Carr, Lourdes Ribera and Dave Reed Jeff Pohlman, Donna Weinel's husband Diane Gemmer and ? Dennis Rogers, Ron Marsh and Steve Rivera
Don P Nelson and Brenda Sebastian Nelson ? ? ? ?
Debbie Wooten and husband Irmgard Wiegand and Dave Seiter Roger Roseberry and Wife Debbie Wooten and husband Doug Kinney, Patty Lehew and husband Mark in the background.
Steve Wahl and wife Laura Joanna Jones and husband Bob Julie Ison and Greg Menetrey Terry Hasenstab, Candi Zint's husband  
Harry (Buddy) Spinks sporting his high school afro. Debbie Wooten, Brenda Stokely and Marcie Stokley Heather with Gary Smith and husband Bob Steele Barb Bowcok, Dave Reed, Micki Bridewell and Lourdes Ribera-Reed Debbie Hales and Candi Zint
Debbie Hales Dave Reed and wife Lourdes Ribera-Reed Bob and Micki    
Please send pictures to Ron Marsh