Pictures from the Yosemite National Park trip, June 6 - 10.
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Butterfly Morning were a bit chilly - 30° to 40°
Is theis a babbling brook? Navad Falls from the top of Vernal Falls  Miranda and Steve  Miranda and Steve
Miranda and Johnny Feeding the Nevada Falls
Johnny at the top of Nevada Falls in Yosemite Kung Fuing at the top of Vernal Falls Johnny, Ron, Miranda and Steve Miranda at the half way point
Looking down from the top of Vernal Falls Miranda at the top of Nevada Falls in Yosemite Steve and Miranda resting on our way to the top of Nevada Falls Half-way to the top of Nevada Falls Having lunch on top of Nevada Falls
Yosemtite Falls
Relaxing after potluck dinner on Saturday night Clever conversation around the campfire ?, Larry, David, ? and Patrick rob Josè, John, Rob and Jay Timothy, Miranda and Glenn
Johnny and Mirnada in the bunks at the Housekeeping camp site in Yosemite Yosemite Falls Nevada Falls