New York City - Canada and New England Cruise July 2008
July 10 - July 13, before we left on the cruise.
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Steve Miranda and Greg Christian and Johnny Arrival at La Guardia Brooklyn Bridge Miranda in NYC Miranda and Steve
The red eye...really! Christian, yes it's a russian hat, and Johnny Our arrival at La Guardia Airport Brooklyn Bridge, Manhatten Bridge in the background Miranda getting ready to ried the subway Enjoying a cocktail and ice cream cone at South Street Sea Port
Dinner at SouthSide Sea Port Ron Carnegie Deli Carnegie Deli Carnigie Deli Carnegie Deli
Christian, Johnny, Ron, Miranda, Greg and Steve having dinner at South Street SeaPort. Ron Carnegie Deli where the portions are huge (and the price). Yes that's one liverwurst sandwich.
Steve Miranda on the Carousel Alpacas Anteater Colubus Monkey Cotton Top Tamarin
Steve   Mole and Latte - Alpacas Southern Tamandua (anteater)   Cotton-top Tamarin
from Columbia
Penguins Polar Bear Polar Bear Seals Snow Monkeys Fun with Rabbits
  Polar Bear April and Scooter Snow Monkey's from Japan  
Fun with Rabbits Kids in Turtles Christian Johnny, Christian and Miranda Johnny, Miranda and Christian Christian, Ron and Johnny
    The penthouse balcony at 835 Madison Ave. Ron 's friend Warren lives theres Christian, Ron and Johnny at Times Square
Miranda on Broadway Miranda C=Dinner at Stardust Dinner at Stardust Times Square Warren and Ron
  Ellen's Stardust Diner. the waiters are 'wanna-be's' Ron, Miranda, Steve, Warren, Johnny, Christian and Jorge   Warren, Ron's long time friend from KY, and Ron in Bamboo 52
Empire State Building Empire State Building Empire State Building Empire State Building Empire State Building Empire State Building
Steve, Johnny, Miranda and Christian on the 86th floor of the Empire State Building. Looking west, New Jersey, from the Empire State Building. Looking down at Macy's, the red dot, from the Empire State Building Looking east, Queens, from the Empire State Building. Looking South from the Empire State Building. Johnny, Ron, Miranda and Steve on top of the Empire State Building.
Walking through Hells Kitchen
Walking through Hell's Kitchen
Canal St Subway
Christian and Johnny waiting for the train.
Sleeping on Subway
Snoozing and clowning on the subway, #7.
Christian at Film Center Cafe.
Johnny, alias Eduardo
Johnny doing his "Eduardo Suave" face.
Heading to Manhatten
Christian, Miranda, Johnny and Greg outside of the Crowne Plaza Hotel in East Elmhurst, NY.
Johnny clowing around
Johnny sneezed!
Greg and Steve
Greg and Steve at Film Center Cafe
Greg enjoying a glass of wine
Miranda with a napkin on her head.
Miranda and Warren
Miranda and Warren.
Steve and Ron
Steve and Ron
Warren, Greg and Steve
Warren, Greg and Steve at Dave and Busters in Times Square
Sculpture from  World Trade Center
Sculpture retrieved from the World Trade Centers after 9-11.
Miranda posing with Steve
Miranda posing in the Canal St. subway, with Steve.
Johnny Times Square
Christian, Johnny, Ron and Miranda at Times Square.
We spent 3 days in New York City before we went on our Canada / New England Cruise. Cllick here to see the pictures from the cruise.