Pictures from the Great Outdoors Death Valley Trip, March 15 - 18, 2007.
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Aguberry Point
Artist Palette
Ron at Artist Palette
Artist Palette
Artist Palette
Artist Palette
The white it the middle is Badwater, 282 ft below sea level, making it the lowest spot in the continental US. This is Artists Palette which is along Artists Drive off of Badwater Road (Route 190) in Death Valley. All kinds of rock deposits, ores etc., results in many different hues. Hence, an artist's pallette.
Questions about Death Valley? Try their FAQ page.
FYI...The native Indians of Death Valley are the Timbisha Shonone.
FYI...The lowest place in the world is The Dead Sea at 1371 ft below sea level.
Badwater Road Route 178 Death Valley Great Outdoors Route 178 Our Tent at Furnace Creek Our Tent at Furnace Creek Watching the stars at night
Great Outdoors Great Outdoors Great Outdoors Great Outdoors Furnace Creek Campground Furnace Creek Campground and Greg
Red Cathedral Marty in Golden Canyon Golden Canyon Sign Golden Canyon Golden Canyon Golden Canyon
Golden Canyon Golden Canyon Golden Canyon Golden Canyon Bat in Golden Canyon Desert Holly in Golden Canyon
Steve in Golden Canyon Steve is pointing out the salt formations between the cracks in the rocks. To the right is a larger picture of the salt formations. Salt Crystals Route 134 Above is a myotis (bat) that was chasing us in Golden Canyon. Not sure if it is a california, small-footed or fringed myotis. Mosaic Canyon
Mosaic Canyon is at StovePipe Wells. The walls of the canyon are made of huge walls of white marble and other materials. Mosaic Canyon Greg in Mosaic Canyon Mosaic Canyon
Greg, getting a feel of the white marble. Didn't the sign say, "Do Not Touch?"
Mosaic Canyon
Watch out for that slippery marble. Actually it's not slippery as long as you're not wearing heels.
Steve in Mosaic Canyon
Steve, Marty, Larry, Greg, Steve, Kim, Rudolfo, Dan, Ted, Jim, Chris and Steve at Rhyolite Ghost Town. The Glass House Rhyolite Ghosttown. Made of empty liquor bottles. Rhyolite Ghosttown The Bank at Rhyolite Ghosttown Brothel at Rhyolite Ghosttown The Jail Rhyolite Ghosttown
Rhyolite Ghosttown is located off of Route 134 (Daylight Pass Road), on the way to Beatty, NV. It's in the Amargosa Desert at the east side foothills of the Amargosa Range.
Route 134 is also where you'll find the beginning of Titus Canyon Road.
The Bank at Rhyolite Ghosttown Marty making a withdraw from the Bank at Rhyolite Ghosttown Rhyolite Mine Rhyolite Mine Rhyolite Mine
With little shade, Jim took it where he could find it...along with the rattlesnakes and scorpions.
Rhyolite Ghosttown Department Store at Rhyolite Ghosttown Rhyolite Ghosttown Rhyolite Ghosttown Titus Canyon Titus Canyon
Lou and Michel Great Outdoors Saturday Night Potluck at Deat Valley Great Outdoors Saturday Night Potluck at Deat Valley Great Outdoors Saturday Night Potluck at Deat Valley Great Outdoors Saturday Night Potluck at Deat Valley Great Outdoors Saturday Night Potluck at Deat Valley
Great Outdoors Saturday Night Potluck at Deat Valley Steve at Saturday's Pot Luck Dinner. Babyback Ribs, Sausages, Zuchinni were just a sampling of the potluck dinner. Scotty's Castle Scotty's Castle sink Scotty's Castle side-by-side refrigerator Steve and Greg listening to Ron, the tour guide, at Scotty's Castle in front of a 6 burner gas stove
Scotty's Castle diningroom Scotty's Castle organ Scotty's Castle living room Scotty's Castle Scotty's Castle is located on Grapevine Canyon (Route 267) near Grapevine.
To the right is Twenty Mule Team Canyon.
Twenty Mule Team Canyon
Ubehebe Volcanic Crater Ubehebe Crater was formed by a huge volcanic eruption over 2000 thousand years ago. Ubehebe Volcanic Crater Great Outdoors campers at Zabriskie Point Zabriskie Point Zabriskie Point
Zabriskie Point
Many views of
Zabriskie Point
Zabriskie Point Steve and Ron at Zabriskie Point
Steve and Ron
Your Great Outdoors LA
membership coordinators.
Great Outdoors
Relaxing after filling our bellies on St. Patricks Day at Furnace Creek.
Great Outdoors Owens Lake
Owens Lake in Owens Valley at the east foothills of the Sierra Nevada Range.